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Summary of third generation test tube infants

With the medical development and intelligent technology, the test tube baby has also experienced the second generation, from the first generation to the third generation, succeeded in the family.Today we look at the universal doubts of the relevant third-generation test tube babies.

What is test tube baby technology

The test tube infant technology is simple, it is to remove the sperm of the woman and the sperm of the men, carry out the insemination in the medical container other than the body, and cultivate the fine egg to the relative-shaped embryo, transplant it.Pregnant auxiliary reproductive technology for pregnancy.

Is there a difference between the test tube baby and all normal babies?

Test tube babies and natural fertility babies are essentially no differences, all by combining Mom and Dad's sperm and eggs, and launch pregnant growth and development in pregnant mother and then born.The only difference is only a fertilized place to migrate the female bilateral fallopian tube to the medical container of the laboratory.

Test tube baby technology can deal with infertility?

The three technologies are not the same, one generation, "Test Tube Baby-Embryo Transplant" technology, the key to women's nation-like problems, such as tubal unless the ovulation can promote ovulation needles, adhesion, no ovulation, etc.Second generations, "single quilt microscope injection" technology, key male infertility difficulties, such as small syringes, weak sperm, and ** hinders; three generations, "embryos transplantation, pre-genetic test" technology, key applicable boysGenetics puzzles with the girls, such as abnormal chromosomes, genetic diseases and recurrent abortion.

What inspections do you need to provide before doing test tube babies?

Providing a matching inspection before the test tube is reported to the doctor to carry out reference evaluation, and it is beneficial to the personalization of the customer test tube program, and the promotion of the promotion is improved.Simple, women need to provide reporting content: Six sex hormones, blood routine examination, basic egg quantity and yin yue report.Ms. forty years old still needs additional ECG inspection report.Men need to provide ** analysis report and blood routine report.In addition, if women have previously experienced a small number of small products over, they also need to provide couples of chromosomes with each other.

How much is the success rate of test tube infant technology?

The success rate of test tube babies is related to a variety of elements, such as the application technology coding sequence (one generation / second generation / three generations), hospital laboratory standards, doctors' theoretical foundation and diagnosis and treatment experience, patients themselves. These。At this stage, China is carried out by wide application of second-generation technologies, and the success rate is stable in a steady 40%.Thailand is applied by the third-generation technology, and the quality of the transplanted embryos is ensured that the embryonic gestational pregnancy and the success rate are further improved.And because of the advantages of the tube plan, the customer's physical condition is adjusted more integrated into the test tube, and the success rate is greatly improved.

Can test tube infant technologies choose gender?

Once it is possible.According to the third generation test tube infant technology, the doctor may obtain genetic testing of cystic nourishing layer cells to the 5th to 6th day.Among the whole process of genetics, doctors get the chromosome equipped with relative embryos.If the customer has a gender selection requirement, the doctor will choose to match gender embryos before the embryo transplantation.

Why do you do the test tube baby, will the price have such a big difference?

First, from the aspect of the technical coding sequence, the technology applied is different, the price is naturally different.Higher-level residential test tube baby technology may apply a lot of mid-pregnancy countermeasures to enhance success rate, and the price is naturally more expensive.

Second, from the perspective of help pregnant, everyone's physical condition is different, and the amount of drugs and technical requirements for the application are different.Some people eat more drugs than others, and the technologies of additional applications are much more expensive than others. The price is naturally more expensive.

Therefore, it is the same as a test tube infant to help pregnant, and the price of all cycles is also different from people, and is not the same set of standards.

Is the number of success rates affecting the test tube?

The age element is the primary condition affecting the success rate of the test tube, but it is actually more accurately, it should be accompanied by the specific transformation of the body function. The impact of the success rate of test tube infants.包含但不限于女性的卵巢功能,AMH值,子宫环境和男性的精子质量。


在正常情况下,每个月女性在女性卵巢中有15-20个鸡蛋,只有一个将持续用于成熟卵泡,其他鸡蛋将伴有月球上的缓慢细胞凋亡玫瑰。出来。促销的促进是为了更好地让这种鸡蛋再次生长,并且很容易获得多蛋来执行假设的组合,完成整个过程的**利用,并不容易引起 卵巢过早失效。












PGD基因诊断技术I。e. 在胚胎之前,并且该技术是PGS染色体筛查技术在胚胎转移之前,提供两种管遇到合理的成功率,完全产前和产后护理。不一样,PGD技术对于靶向近200个基因问题的胚胎治疗和诊断至关重要,以确保新生婴儿不太可能遭受相对遗传疾病。PGS技术是胚胎染色体异常筛选的关键问题,包括非倍性和其他问题和障碍。


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